Your intelligent, privacy-friendly companion - everywhere

πŸ“±CamoCopy app for iOS and Android

Discover a world of new possibilities with the CamoCopy app: Access the AI chat feature and search engine on the go and get instant answers to your questions, find relevant information with images or create your own images effortlessly. CamoCopy is more than just your ChatGPT alternative. The app is available for iOS and Android and offers you the same security and privacy as the web version. Knowledge and creativity - always at your fingertips.

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Discover our features

A powerful application with privacy as the top priority

CamoCopy is the privacy-friendly ChatGPT alternative with an integrated, intelligent search engine

πŸ”Browse faster and smarter thanks to the perfect symbiosis of AI and search engine

CamoCopy allows you to switch between AI chat and search engine to quickly get relevant answers to your most complex questions. Want images and sources to confirm the accuracy of the answer? That's no longer a problem with the new integrated AI search engine. Ask questions like 'How much does Bitcoin cost right' now and get up-to-date information. All search queries are anonymous and encrypted.

AI experience that's fun. Freedom without compromise.


Best user experience

CamoCopy is super easy to use and has the power of Google and ChatGPT without relying on your personal data. Unlike other companies, we do not read your chats and do not train our algorithms with your data.


Anonymized data

We strive to store as little information about you as possible on our servers. That's why you can automatically anonymize your data in any chat in your browser and have a smooth AI experience without having to worry about your data.


Encrypted chats

All chats, files and images that you upload are encrypted and stored on servers located in the European Union. All other data we process from you is also stored and anonymized on our own servers in the EU. Your data belongs to you.


Stay ahead with our complete AI solution

You can rely on our versatile AI platform to provide you with the very latest developments in AI. Regular enhancements and new features ensure you stay at the forefront of innovation.


Legit online earning

Camocopy offers you the opportunity to earn money as an affiliate in a serious way and at the same time make an important contribution to data protection. You can start immediately. We provide you with all the tools you need to be successful.


Anonymous and fast internet search

Ask CamoCopy about anything you want and get instant answers with relevant current internet sources and images. CamoCopy can provide you with similar results to Google. Your search queries are anonymized and encrypted.